Color Consulting

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Not sure which interior house paint colors to choose? Before you start painting, schedule a color consultation at Services Plus.
Having a hard time choosing interior home paint colors based on samples alone? At Services Plus, we offer color consultations to help homeowners find the perfect colors and finishes. Our design experts provide insight into color theory and color psychology to make it easy for you to identify the best palette for any room in your home. Before we put any color on the walls, we’ll make sure you’re completely confident with your choice and are ready to move forward.


Some homeowners know exactly what colors they want to use and how they want to design their space. Others know that they want a change, but they aren’t quite sure where to start. It helps to begin with a piece of furniture or artwork that really speaks to you. Are you drawn to certain colors more than others? Is there a mood you’re hoping to achieve? Whatever inspires you, no matter how small it may seem, can help us pinpoint the colors that can transform your room completely.

Inspiration can come from anywhere.

Take note of the colors in your neighbors and friends homes, and think about what you like and don’t like. Or, take inspiration from the latest trends. Look through magazines or browse Pinterest to find a palette that will look beautiful in your home.


A color consultation is optional, but it can be beneficial to any homeowner considering repainting. If you’d like to take advantage of our designers expertise before choosing paint colors, call 508-309-7069 for our MA Office or 401-787-2102 for our RI Office today to schedule an appointment.

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